Thursday, July 31, 2008 bwahahahaha :P apakan??

"Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak,

Whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break."


Broken promises.

Broken dreams.

Broken people.

Broken. It doesn’t belong with High School. After all, these are “the best years of your life”. The years when you’re strongest. Not used up, not dried out. Just beginning to live, not ready to finish.’

They don’t know the meaning of hurt.

Laughing girls who don’t think anyone hears them, and boys who will take on the world. Hallways stuffed with children, all in their own worlds, all doing their own things. Pushing through groups of people, shoving no one in particular out of the way, complaining loudly about this teacher, or that one.

Not caring. Not thinking.


I can’t remember the last time I lived.

Anzu Mazaki skipped to school in the morning. She bounced to class and tapped happily on her desk, humming during her class work. She danced back home again after the bell.

She always seemed to be happy. An aura of joy surrounded her wherever she went, and even when she was angry, she was still the nicest person anyone could think of. She always wanted to help and was always gracious to everyone.

Seto Kaiba hated her for it.

She didn’t understand that, of course. Couldn’t quite grasp the disgusted look on his face. Or why he got so angry when she talked of love or friends.

But maybe it was the extra coffee she had had that morning. Maybe it was because she had soup instead of salad for lunch. Maybe that book on Marie Antoinette she’d finished last night. Maybe in was something else entirely.

But Anzu wasn’t feeling gracious today.

He didn’t deserve it anyway, the jerk! Never had she been so furious! It wasn’t a big deal, really, harmless little insults. Ones she was used to. A “mutt” here, a “cheerleader” there. Nothing too big, nothing too cruel.

However, today was not the day to mess with Anzu. She was just mad enough to indulge in something she was normally against. Revenge.

So, when she saw the book lying on his desk, she took it. Without really thinking, she stuffed it in her sparkling, pink backpack. She decided she’d take it with her. She’d read it; turn it in to the Lost and Found. Then he’d never know. But she would and she’d be satisfied.

Anzu stomped home.

When did being broken become a good thing? I’ve noticed, recently, how many people are famous because they were broken people once and “fixed themselves”. Or how many books are about broken childhoods, how many people claim they care “about all of the broken people out there”.

They say it with tears running down their faces, but there is this smile on their face. Not a smile of peace or forgiveness, though. It is the same smile they use when they talk about their wife having a baby or their newest book.

If they only knew, they wouldn’t smile like that. But, perhaps, they would still cry. It wouldn’t matter if they did. We don’t need their tears.

Seto was as flustered as he’d been in years. If he could remember how, he might have been panicked. After all, that book wasn’t... Something that needed to get out.

He hated himself, sometimes. Being a genius had its downsides. One of these was that, when an idea struck, he was powerless.

The idea to write had hit him while reading through some book or other.

“When you write,” It had said. “Everything that is in you flows onto the page. Your writing knows you better than you do, you see.”

So he had started writing. It wasn’t a journal, poetry, a novel, or any type of publishable literature. Just his thoughts as they hit the paper. No one needed to know his thoughts.

He had to find that book.

Okay, I know it was pathetically short. But I’m sure it’ll get longer.

No, really! grabs Please! Be patient! No, don’t leave!

Well, okay. Review on your way out.

Oh! I almost forgot.

DISCLAIMER: May rabid monkeys forever play bongos on the head of any potential love interest in my life if I ever claim to own YuGiOh. I have, however, purchased Kaiba’s soul off of eBay. No! Bad monkeys!I am using the Japanese names in this fic. This is because my computer doesn’t do the cool slash thingy over Tea’s name. Therefore, if I say that Yuugi wants some tea, you might get a horribly wrong idea. Now, if I say that Yuugi wants some anzu, you can be worried.

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